" The Power of Music: Purify the Spirit or Pollute the Soul."
I am a Sister Missionary serving in the New York Rochester Mission. I blog about topics that I feel are important and I hope that they can be of help to all of you that follow my blog.
" The Power of Music: Purify the Spirit or Pollute the Soul."
The people were trying their hardest to hold to the rod. If you hold to the rod, then you will have the Spirit to guide and direct you. IMMERSE YOURSELF in the scriptures
GREAT AND SPACIOUS BUILDING = The World and Temptations
We have so much temptation around us from the music we listen to or the movies we watch or the things that we allow ourselves to talk about that aren't appropriate. We need to try our hardest to keep ourselves away from the world (great and spacious building). In Lehi's dream some of the people who were on the path were ashamed because they let the people in the great and spacious building make fun of them. People ARE going to make fun and think that our beliefs are strange because we believe in being wholesome. The world is not teaching us to be wholesome. This is why we need to try our hardest to be in the world but not of it.
PATH = The Commandments
MIST OF DARKNESS = Temptation from Satan
Satan is a jerk! He always seems to tempt us when we are trying to be good. Like the people in Lehi's dream who were trying really hard to hold to the rod. Satan puts a mist of darkness over our eyes to make it hard to see the end result (tree of life). He tempts us to give in to our carnal desires especially if it will hurt us and make us fall off the path. Keep holding onto the rod even when it's hard to see the eternal benefits of what you're doing
TREE OF LIFE = Jesus Christ
When I picture the Tree of Life I think of this huge beautiful white tree that has light beaming from every leaf. Our Savior Jesus Christ is Light! He is the Light. Everything that is good comes from Christ! Follow him and you will be happy. You will have eternal life.